Today we are delighted to have the authors of The Enigma Series discuss the basis of computers
and security today which started with the World War II enigma encryption machine. This is not
only the foundation of the series, but the springboard into the moral structure of the RGroup that
was founded by members who escaped Poland into Switzerland.
To help clarify, this is not a boring history lesson on WWII, but rather a way to explain not only
how technology began, then to also discuss how dependent we are now on technology for
everyday living. The R-Group is a family owned and managed entity that provides state-of-theart technology insights and analytics to even world government agencies. This team provides the
details in a behind the scenes way that allows you to see how much technology can help or hurt
people today.
Our guests will help you decide how much technology may be enough in our daily lives while
also weaving in the human characters that make you want to read and listen to these stories. Let’s
put our hands together and welcome Breakfield and Burkey to share their insights to the newest
story in the series, though I know they will field any of your questions.